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Medical Weight Loss ProgramsBecome a New You

Weight Loss
Fountain of Youth Customized

Medical Weight Loss

Losing weight is about more than seeing changes on the scale. It’s about having the energy to play with your kids or spend time doing what you love. At Fountain of Youth, we help you finally see the weight loss results you’ve been looking for and get you back to feeling your best.

No matter how much weight you lose or where you’re starting from, our team of medical weight loss specialists develops a personalized plan just for you. No fad diets, no extreme activity – a customized weight loss program designed specifically for you. The weight loss treatments you can expect from us may include:

  • Individualized Medical Weight Loss Plan w/Coaching
  • Weight-Loss Peptides & Weight Loss Vitamins
  • Weight Loss Injections
  • Lifestyle Coaching
  • Weekly Weigh-Ins & Monthly Measurements
  • Workouts with FOY Members

With the Fountain of Youth weight loss clinic, you’ll work with a qualified weight loss doctor and your personal nutrition coach to focus on long-term health and wellness while crushing your weight loss goals!

Our Fountain of Youth coaches and doctors have helped many patients achieve their weight loss goals and improve their overall health. We are passionate about helping our patients Transform Their Lives. Beyond the physical changes that can be seen in a before-and-after comparison, the changes that take place on the inside can be genuinely life-changing. From a boost in self-confidence to a more positive outlook on life and improved overall wellness, these results go far beyond weight loss.

The Fountain of Youth Definition of “Medical Weight Loss”

Medical weight loss is a weight management approach that involves the diagnosis at an initial consultation, treatment, and monitoring of overweight and obesity by a medical professional (typically board-certified doctors). This may involve admission to a medical weight-loss clinic. Unlike self-directed dieting or fitness programs, medical weight loss aims to identify and address the root causes of weight gain and obesity through a comprehensive and individualized plan guided by Fountain of Youth.

Here’s a more detailed overview of a medical weight loss strategy:

Detailed overview of a medical weight loss strategy

Medical weight loss typically begins with a thorough assessment of the patient’s health and medical history.

Individualized Assessment:

Medical weight loss typically begins with a thorough assessment of the patient’s health and medical history. This could include body mass index (BMI), body composition analysis, blood tests (to assess red blood cells), metabolic rate, and evaluations of the patient’s lifestyle, mental health (including brain function), and eating behaviors.

  • Personalized Dietary Plan: Fountain of Youth will design a food intake plan based on the patient’s specific needs and conditions. For instance, if a patient has high blood pressure along with obesity, the physician might recommend a low-sodium, low-saturated fat diet.
  • Physical Activity Recommendations: Fountain of Youth will suggest a customized physical activity routine, considering the patient’s physical capabilities and existing health conditions. For example, if a patient is not used to regular exercise, your physician might recommend starting with low-impact exercises like walking or swimming for 30 minutes a day, gradually increasing the intensity over time. Exercise helps burn more calories, builds muscle tone, and increases resting metabolic rate.
  • Behavioral Modifications: Fountain of Youth may also suggest changes in the patient’s lifestyle habits to support weight loss. This could involve strategies for managing stress, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, or reducing sedentary behaviors.
  • Prescription Medication: In certain cases, where diet, physical activity, and behavioral changes are not sufficient, or if the individual has a high Body Mass Index (BMI) with associated health risks, medications (such as appetite suppressants, hormone injections and lipotropic weight loss injections) may be prescribed to aid weight loss.

Physician-Directed Plan:

Based on the individual’s health profile, Fountain of Youth will create a personalized weight loss plan. This may include a dietary plan, physical activity recommendations, and behavioral modifications. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to assist with weight loss, such as lipotropic weight loss injections. This plan can be administered either as an in- or out-patient at our medical weight-loss clinic.

  1. Body Mass Index (BMI) Assessment: This is a simple calculation using a person’s height and weight. The BMI helps determine whether a person has a healthy body weight, with 18.5 to 24.9 generally considered as the healthy range. For example, a person who is 1.7m tall and weighs 70kg would have a BMI of 24.2, which falls within the healthy range.
  2. Body Composition Analysis: This evaluates the percentage of fat, bone, water, and muscle in human bodies. For instance, a body composition analysis might show a person has 20% body fat, 45% muscle, 10% bone, and 25% water, helping to assess if they have excessive fat or lack muscle mass.
  3. Blood Tests: These are conducted to evaluate overall health and identify potential medical issues that could affect weight loss. For example, a blood test could reveal an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), which can lead to weight gain and difficulties in losing weight.
  4. Metabolic Rate Evaluation: This estimates how many calories a person burns at rest, known as the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). For instance, if a person’s BMR is 1500 calories, they burn that amount daily without exercise. Understanding BMR helps create a personalized calorie intake plan for weight loss.
  5. Lifestyle Evaluation: This considers a person’s daily routines and habits that can impact weight loss. For example, a patient who works long hours sitting may require different weight loss strategies compared to someone with a more active job.
  6. Mental Health Assessment: This explores psychological factors that may affect a weight loss goal, like stress, depression, or eating disorders. For example, a patient may overeat due to stress; addressing this issue could be integral to their weight loss journey.
  7. Eating Behavior Analysis: This examines a person’s dietary habits, such as frequency of meals, portion sizes, and types of food consumed. For instance, a patient who frequently eats large portions of high-calorie foods may need to learn healthier eating habits and portion control to achieve their weight loss goals.
A key component of weight loss is diagnosing and treating any medical conditions that could be contributing to weight gain or hindering weight loss

Hormonal imbalances like hypothyroidism, mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, or metabolic disorders like diabetes can hinder weight loss.

Treatment of Underlying Conditions:

A key component of weight loss is diagnosing and treating any medical conditions that could be contributing to weight gain or hindering weight loss. This might include hormonal imbalances like hypothyroidism, mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, or metabolic disorders like diabetes.

  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, leading to a slow metabolism and, often, weight gain. A weight loss approach would include treating hypothyroidism with medication like levothyroxine, which can help to normalize thyroid hormone levels and aid in weight loss.
  • Depression or Anxiety: These mental health conditions can contribute to weight gain or hinder weight loss through various mechanisms, including increased appetite, comfort eating, or lack of motivation to exercise. A holistic weight loss program would incorporate mental health support, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes, particularly type 2, is often associated with weight gain and can make weight loss more difficult due to factors like insulin resistance. A comprehensive weight loss plan would focus on managing blood sugar levels through dietary changes, medication (such as Metformin), or insulin therapy if required.

Monitoring and Adjustments:

Regular follow-ups are a critical part of medical weight loss programs. These check-ins allow Fountain of Youth to monitor the patient’s progress, adjust the plan as needed, and provide ongoing support and motivation. In some cases, Fountain of Youth may work alongside dietitians, physical therapists, or psychologists.

  • Monitoring the patient’s progress: Regular follow-ups are integral for tracking the patient’s weight loss journey. Fountain of Youth can identify and review how well the patient is responding to the current weight loss program and make any necessary adjustments.
    • Example: A patient starts with a baseline weight of 250 pounds. In subsequent follow-ups, Fountain of Youth charts their weight and observes a steady decline to 240 pounds, 230 pounds, and so on. This pattern indicates that the weight loss program is effective for the individual under review.
  • Adjusting the plan as needed: If a patient is not making expected progress or if they are experiencing negative side effects, Fountain of Youth may need to adjust the weight loss plan. This could involve changes to diet, physical activity, medication, or other aspects of the program.
    • Example: A patient following a low-carb diet plan is not losing weight and expresses persistent feelings of fatigue. Fountain of Youth , recognizing these issues during a follow-up, might recommend modifying the diet to include more complex carbs and increasing caloric intake, while still maintaining a calorie deficit for weight loss.
  • Providing ongoing support and motivation: Maintaining weight loss motivation can be challenging for many individuals. Regular follow-ups at a medical weight-loss clinic provide an opportunity for Fountain of Youth to motivate the patient, recognize their efforts, and provide emotional support.
    • Example: A patient is feeling discouraged because they only lost one pound in the past week. Fountain of Youth reminds them that losing 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss, and praises them for their consistency and dedication.
  • Collaborating with other professionals: Depending on the patient’s needs, Fountain of Youth may collaborate with dietitians, physical therapists, or psychologists to provide a comprehensive weight loss program. Each professional can contribute their expertise to better support the patient’s weight loss journey.
    • Example: A patient has successfully lost a healthy amount of weight, but reports feeling anxious and upset about their changing body. We might enlist the help of a psychologist who specializes in body image and eating disorders, to provide additional support for the patient’s emotional well-being.

Long-term Approach:

Reaching weight loss goals takes a long-term approach to health and wellness, ideally for life. Rather than focusing solely on reducing the number on the scale, these customized weight loss programs emphasize sustainable changes to diet, physical activity, and behavior that can help individuals maintain a healthy weight over time.

  • Holistic Approach: A medical weight loss program looks at the entire picture of a person’s life and health. They don’t just aim to help individuals lose weight but also to improve overall health, which includes managing other health conditions, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and boosting mental health. For instance, customized weight loss programs may offer dietary guidance to not only facilitate weight loss but also manage other life-threatening conditions, like diabetes or heart disease.
  • Emphasis on Sustainable Changes: These programs are designed to make long-lasting changes to lifestyle habits. They focus on altering dietary habits, increasing physical activity, and adjusting behaviors that contribute to weight gain. For example, instead of recommending a drastic, calorie-restricted diet that is difficult to stick to, a program might encourage gradual changes like adding more fruits and vegetables to meals and reducing portion sizes.
  • Education and Skill Building: Medical weight loss often includes education about nutrition, exercise, and behavior change. The aim is to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain weight loss over the long term. This could include teaching individuals how to prepare healthy meals at home or how to incorporate regular exercise into their daily routine.
  • Regular Monitoring and Support: These programs often involve regular check-ups and support from a multidisciplinary team of health professionals, which could include doctors, dietitians, psychologists, and exercise physiologists. Regular follow-ups can provide motivation, track progress, and adjust plans as needed. An example is a bi-weekly meeting with a nutritionist to discuss dietary changes and their effects.
  • Personalized Plans: Medical weight loss programs are typically tailored to each individual’s needs, goals, and circumstances. This personalized approach considers factors like age, gender, health status, metabolism, lifestyle, and food preferences. For instance, a personalized plan for a post-menopausal woman might focus on increasing lean protein and calcium intake, along with weight-bearing exercises to support bone health while facilitating weight loss.
  • Psychological Support: These programs often incorporate psychological or behavioral therapy to address emotional and mental health factors associated with weight gain and eating habits. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) might be used to help an individual recognize and change negative thought patterns that lead to unhealthy eating behaviors.
  • Focus on Long-Term Health: The ultimate weight loss goals are long-term health and wellness. While immediate weight loss might be a short-term goal, the emphasis is on long term weight management helping individuals maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle over time. For instance, a patient might initially lose weight rapidly, but the program would continue to support them in maintaining that loss and adopting a healthier lifestyle permanently.
Medical weight loss programs can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have struggled to lose weight on their own.

A significant aspect of medical weight loss programs is the emphasis on educating patients about nutrition, exercise, and other aspects of health that contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

Educating about Medical Weight Loss Options:

A significant aspect of these programs is the emphasis on educating patients about nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other aspects of health that contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

  1. Nutrition Education: This facet of the program is designed to educate patients about the importance of balanced, healthy eating habits. For example, nutritionists might provide information about food groups, calorie intake, and meal planning, or they might help individuals understand and interpret nutrition labels on food products.
  2. Exercise Guidance: This portion focuses on teaching patients about the value of regular physical activity in weight management and overall health. For instance, a fitness expert might develop personalized workout plans for participants or hold group fitness classes to promote activity in a fun, engaging manner.
  3. Stress Management Training: Stress can affect eating habits and overall health, so these programs often include education on stress management techniques. For instance, mental health professionals might introduce mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, to help patients cope with stress more effectively.
  4. Healthy Weight Maintenance: In this area, patients learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, not just losing excess pounds. For example, dietitians might offer strategies for healthy snacking and portion control, or they might discuss the health risks associated with obesity.
  5. Education on Other Health Aspects: Other health aspects, such as sufficient sleep, hydration, and reducing alcohol and tobacco use, can also contribute to a healthy weight. An example might include a sleep expert explaining the relationship between sleep and weight management or a health coach providing tips to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption.
  6. Behavioral Change Techniques: These programs often include strategies to help participants change their behaviors in a sustainable way. For instance, a behavior change specialist might offer cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques to help patients identify and overcome barriers to healthier habits.
  7. Long-Term Health Management: The emphasis is often on long-term changes, rather than quick fixes. For example, a program facilitator might focus on small, achievable changes that can be maintained over the long term, such as walking for 30 minutes each day or gradually incorporating more fruits and vegetables into the diet.

Medical weight loss programs can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have struggled to lose weight on their own or who have health conditions that make weight loss more difficult. As with any healthcare service, it’s important for individuals to discuss the potential benefits and risks with their healthcare provider.

Medical Weight Loss Options for Obese Patients:

Medical Weight Loss Options for Obese Patients.

There are several current medical weight loss options available for obese patients.

There are several current medical weight loss options available for obese patients, including personalized weight loss programs incorporating diet plans, physical activities, behavioral changes, and prescription weight loss medications. Low-calorie diets, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Peptides, and Vitamin IV Therapy and HCG diet plans can be customized to the individual’s needs taking into consideration their calorie intake, portion sizes, and nutrient needs.

Physical activity recommendations usually encompass activities that cater to the patient’s abilities and gradually increase in intensity. For some patients, FDA-approved medications may be prescribed to boost metabolism and curb hunger pangs. Lipotropic fat-burning injections are also an option to help increase fat metabolism.

In severe obesity cases, surgical methods like gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy can be utilized. However, these procedures are typically considered when all other approaches to weight loss services have proved ineffective.

Determining the Right Medical Weight Loss Option:

The healthcare provider, often a board-certified doctor or a team of medical professionals, determines the right medical weight loss option by examining a variety of factors. These include the individual’s BMI, body composition, lifestyle, mental health, medical conditions, and their willingness and ability to follow through with treatment plans.

For instance, a person with a sedentary lifestyle and underlying ailments like diabetes or heart disease might require an aggressive approach involving low-calorie diets (possibly meal replacements), prescription-based weight loss medications and regular follow-ups for close tracking.

Potential Side Effects and Risks:

There are potential side effects or risks associated with different medical weight loss options. Prescription medications can cause side effects ranging from dry mouth, constipation, and increased heart rate to serious health conditions such as liver damage or pulmonary hypertension. Lipotropic fat burners injections such as HCG injections (HCG diet), while beneficial for weight loss, may have side effects such as nausea, stomach upset, or mild diarrhea.

Surgical options, like gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, carry risks associated with surgery, including bleeding, infections, and complications from anesthesia. Additionally, these surgeries may require significant, permanent diet modifications and carry risks of nutrient deficiencies.

Long-term Approach and Insurance Coverage:

Generally, certain medical weight loss programs and supplements are covered by insurance, particularly if there are associated health conditions related to obesity. However, some treatments may be considered elective procedures. It’s always best for individuals to check their insurance coverage beforehand.

Success Rates of Medical Weight Loss Options:

Medical weight loss options, when juxtaposed with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, often yield higher success rates since they provide structured guidance, monitoring and accountability, and personalized plans. However, the success of these programs still largely depends on the patient’s commitment and adherence to the prescribed plan.

Health Conditions Associated with Obesity:

Medical weight loss options can also aid individuals with health conditions related to obesity, such as diabetes or heart disease. By combining weight management with treatment for these conditions, patients can significantly better their health outcomes.

Non-Surgical Weight Loss Options:

Non-surgical medical weight loss options include low-calorie diets, medically supervised exercise programs, prescription weight loss medications, and behavioral counseling. These non-invasive options focus on creating a calorie deficit, promoting healthy behaviors, and enhancing physical activity.

Duration to See Results:

Depending on the weight loss method chosen and factors such as the patient’s commitment to the program, metabolic rate, and level of physical activity, it might take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to see noticeable results from medical weight loss options.

Aftercare and Ongoing Support:

After the initial phase of treatment, ongoing support typically includes regular check-ups to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the plan. This could include bi-weekly meetings with a nutritionist to discuss dietary changes, routine check-ups to monitor blood pressure, and sessions with psychologists to provide mental health support.

In conclusion, medical weight loss is a comprehensive, individualized approach to weight management which, while involving commitment and effort, can effectively enhance health outcomes and contribute to long-term wellness.


What are the different types of medical weight loss options available?

There are several medical weight loss services available, including prescription medications such as Orlistat, Phentermine, and Liraglutide. Other options include surgical procedures like bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, and gastric banding. Lifestyle modifications and medically supervised diet and exercise programs are also often included in these options.

Are there non-surgical medical weight loss options?

Yes, there are non-surgical medical weight loss options which include prescription weight loss medication, medical nutrition therapy involving a registered dietitian, and medically supervised weight loss programs. These programs often involve a combination of diet, physical activity, and behavioral therapy.

How effective are medical weight loss options?

The effectiveness of medical weight loss options varies widely depending on the individual’s commitment, the type of treatment, and other factors like genetic predisposition. For example, bariatric surgery has shown high rates of success, while the effectiveness of medications often depends on the individual’s adherence to lifestyle modifications.

What are the risks associated with medical weight loss options?

Medical weight loss options can come with a range of potential risks. Medications can have side effects like nausea, constipation, or more severe issues in rare cases. Surgical options can have risks including infection, blood clots, and nutritional deficiencies, among others. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What factors should be considered when choosing medical weight loss options?

When choosing a medical weight loss option, it’s essential to consider your overall health, the severity of your obesity, your readiness to commit to lifestyle changes, and any potential side effects or risks of the chosen treatment. Fountain of Youth can provide personalized advice based on these factors.

Can medical weight loss options help with conditions like diabetes?

Yes, medical weight loss can help with conditions like type 2 diabetes. Weight-Loss often leads to better blood sugar control and can even put diabetes into remission. Both medication and surgical options can lead to significant weight loss and improvements in health conditions related to obesity.

What is the role of a dietitian in medical weight loss options?

A dietitian plays a vital role in medical weight loss options. They provide guidance on healthy eating habits, create individualized meal plans, monitor progress, and provide motivation. They are integral in ensuring nutritional needs are met, especially after bariatric surgery where malnutrition is a risk.

Are medical weight loss options covered by insurance?

The coverage of medical weight loss options by insurance varies greatly and depends on the specifics of your insurance plan and where you live. While some plans cover prescription weight loss medication and bariatric surgery, others may not. Always check with your insurance provider for the most accurate information.

How long does it take to see results from medical weight loss options?

The timeframe to see results from medical weight loss options can vary. For lifestyle changes and medication, it tends to be gradual and consistent over months. For surgical options, significant weight loss can occur in the first six months to a year following the procedure.

What is the difference between medical weight loss options and commercial weight loss programs?

Medical weight loss options are typically overseen by healthcare professionals and may involve medication or surgical intervention. They are often designed for individuals with significant weight to lose or those with obesity-related health conditions. Commercial weight loss programs, on the other hand, are typically not medically supervised and focus more on lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.